E a comunidade Azure Academy se reuniu novamente para o Workshop BIG Data & Engenharia de dados modernos no Azure. Recebendo Profissionais de alto nível da Espanha e BRASIL em um final de semana de boas práticas em orquestração de dados, ETL, transformação, DW, Synapse Analytics, Python, Databricks, Cosmos DB, Data Lake e mais. Rubens …
Categoria: Azure Academy
jul 07
Azure Academy Data & AI Summit
The Azure Academy Summit is the conference for senior Cloud professionals, with an environment prepared to encourage the exchange of content and experiences on real cases of innovative solutions.Learn to manipulate and process data between modern Engineering, Science and AI in secure, high-availability environments through high-level enterprise-level techniques in pipelines, machine learning and advanced AI. …
jun 29
Azure Brasil Youtube – visualizações do mês
Youtube Azure Brasil – Visualizações Junho 2024.No mês foram mais de 1840 visualizações no canal Azure Brasil. A comunidade técnica, liderada por Rubens Guimarães é referenciada pelos pilares de igualdade, engajamento e participação de profissionais de diversos países. A comunidade continua crescendo e disponibilizando vídeos acessível e gratuitos gerando mais conhecimento para todos. https://www.youtube.com/AzureBrasilComunidadeTecnica Youtube …
jun 23
Azure Specialist – Hands-on Lab – Europa e Brasil
Rubens Guimarães, líder da Comunidade Azure Academy, organizou o evento, além de conduzir o hands-on em formato colaborativo.Azure Specialist Hands-on Lab recebendo profissionais da Europa e Brasil em um final de semana de muito hands-on e boas práticas em Gestão de Cloud. Ambientes PaaS, aplicações modernas, infraestrutura, bancos de dados, storage, No-Code, segurança, alta disponibilidade …
jun 19
Microsoft DevHack V – On-line Free – AI, No-code, DevOps & GitHub – Edition 05
Edition 05: 17, 18 and 19 June, 2024. An event focused on generating knowledge of modern technologies for communities, professionals and students. Organized by the Azure Brasil / Azure Academy community led by Rubens Guimarães, in an online format. Participants receive interactive training and are challenged to build modern cloud environments in a creative, collaborative …
jun 15
Microsoft DevHack IV – On-line Free – AI, No-code, DevOps & GitHub – Edition 04
A hackathon created with the purpose of promoting knowledge. In edition 03, participants engaged in producing incredible POCs. An event focused on generating knowledge of modern technologies for communities, professionals and students. Organized by the Azure Brasil / Azure Academy community led by Rubens Guimarães, in an online format. There are 3 days of interactive …
jun 12
Microsoft DevHack III – On-line Free – AI, No-code, DevOps & GitHub – Edition 03
A collaborative experience focused on innovation and good corporate practices. An interactive journey encouraging knowledge, integration and interactivity among participants in an environment of innovation, inclusion and multicultural collaboration. www.msdevhack.com.br Among the themes: Azure AI Services + No-Code / App Innovation + DevOps / Modern CI/CD + GitHub. A hackathon created with the purpose of …
jun 07
Microsoft DevHack II – On-line Free – AI, No-code, DevOps & GitHub – Edition 2
A collaborative experience focused on innovation and good corporate practices. An interactive journey encouraging knowledge, integration and interactivity among participants in an environment of innovation, inclusion and multicultural collaboration. www.msdevhack.com.br Among the themes:Azure AI Services + No-Code / App Innovation + DevOps / Modern CI/CD + GitHub. A hackathon created with the purpose of promoting …
maio 26
Azure DevOps + GitHub Hands-on Lab – Brazil & Europe
Hands-on of Azure DevOps + GitHub: Professionals from EUROPE and BRAZIL were challenged in best practices for modern projects, IAC, Blue/Green, Zero downtime for High availability, automated tests, secure branches, modern CI/CD, sprint management and a lot more. Rubens Guimarães, leader of the Azure Academy Community, organized the event, in addition to conducting the hands-on …
abr 28
Azure Security Hands-on Lab – Europe & Brasil
Security Hands-on: Infra, Dev & Data on Azure. High-level professionals from EUROPE and BRAZIL were challenged in a weekend of hands-on real projects with architectures to shield critical environments. Rubens Guimarães, leader of the Azure Academy Community, organized the event, in addition to conducting the hands-on in a collaborative format.Azure Security Hands-on Lab welcoming incredible …